Founded by Shreya Gupta, Intern at Gupta Tutorials and Project Manager, Gyaan Batch is a non-profit unit dedicated to offering free, high-quality tutoring to underserved students, inspired by the principles of effective altruism.
Our Mission
At Gyaan Batch, we believe that education is the key to unlocking the potential of every individual, regardless of their background or circumstances. Our mission is to provide access to pure and deep knowledge, represented by the Sanskrit word "Gyaan," to those who need it the most. We are driven by a commitment to help underserved students thrive academically, empowering them to reach their full potential and realize their dreams.
The Power of Effective Altruism
Our journey began with a deep-rooted belief in the power of effective altruism, a philosophy that calls for using our resources and efforts to help as many people as possible. We recognized that education is a fundamental driver of positive change, and we wanted to do our part to ensure that no student is left behind due to limited access to quality learning opportunities.
Our Commitment
At Gyaan Batch, we are committed to providing free and high-quality tutoring services, ensuring that every student we serve receives the support they need to excel in their studies. We strive to create an inclusive and nurturing environment where students can explore their potential, learn, and grow.